L.T 1.2 – Ideation

L.T 1.2 – Ideation

Brief:Ideation is the creative process of creating new ideas. There are various ideation techniques out there; mind mapping, brainstorming and sketching, to name a few.Use the Internet for research and choose three that you would like to try in the future or have used...
L.T 1.1 – Lateral thinking

L.T 1.1 – Lateral thinking

Brief: Lateral thinking is an indirect and creative approach to problem solving. It is not the traditional approach, whereby step-by-step logic is used. It’s moving beyond the obvious or expected, using your imagination to look at a problem in a new way, for a fresh...
C.A 0 – Moodle

C.A 0 – Moodle

Brief: Get to know Moodle as a work tool (8 hours) By now you might have noticed that Moodle is your “campus”. It forms the platform on which all your study material is delivered and it also enables you to talk to your fellow students and tutors via the Forum. The...