About Me

This is My Story

My name is Tone Nemi Stenstvedt. I am a mother of 3 with quite a few years and even more experiences under my belt. I`ve always had a ton of hobbies, ranging from guitar and singing to graphic design, with everything in between.

During the next 2 years, my aim is to learn as much as I possibly can about the Graphic design industry, and hopefully share the wisdom I myself have acquired in my time as a graphic designer at Kolbrun Retorikk.

  • Brand Identity 40% 40%
  • Web design 30% 30%
  • Graphic Design 50% 50%
  • Adobe 60% 60%

Get In Touch

Tone Nemi Stenstvedt


Lyngbakken 5,
5067 Bergen

Phone: +47 977 37 772

Mail: 2nemien@gmail.com