L.T 1.1 – Lateral thinking

by | Jan 22, 2022 | 1 Semester, Learning Tasks


Lateral thinking is an indirect and creative approach to problem solving. It is not the traditional approach, whereby step-by-step logic is used. It’s moving beyond the obvious or expected, using your imagination to look at a problem in a new way, for a fresh solution.

Look at the following and guess what they are communicating. Just for fun, see if you can make one or more of your own.
You can use whichever medium you prefer, the objective of this task is not the final artwork, it’s just to get you thinking laterally. 

After reading all the material provided, doing the quizzes as well as some research, I got started on the images provided to see what they told me. I felt that the first one was easy to spot, but had a few problems with the rest, and it took me longer to come up with any thoughts that made any sense.

Spin the bottle or looking down the opening of a bottle in motion

Emotions that are all over the place or mixed emotions

I first thought fast turn, but my daughter said it`s breakfast, which I think is probably right.

An inside job.

Seven seas

Two steps forward, one step back.

I have to pass on this, me and my kids all tried but could not make any sense of it.

This one took me awhile, I was stuck on the characters being donuts, once I realised they were cheerios, it came to me: Serial killers.

I have to pass on this one.

Window shopping.

Time came to test my own imagination.

Word puzzle 1:

I can bleed, but I do not feel pain
I can bring joy, but I cannot smile
I am one of a kind, but everyone has a piece of me
Who am I?

Word puzzle 2:

Every day, Frank goes to his job at Johnson and Heff, a highly reputable and competitive firm. After he finishes work, he goes home, eats dinner and then goes to the rival company of Johnson and Heff, called Harrington, and settles in for the night shift. Neither of the companies have any fear of company secrets being exposed even though they are aware of the situation. Why is that?

Answer to riddle 1 is PAINT

Answer to riddle 2: Frank is a Siamese twin, while he works dayshift at J and H, his twin uses blindfold and earplugs and goes to sleep. When his brother goes to his job at Harrington during the night, Frank is the one going to sleep with earplugs and blindfold.





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