L.T 1.3 – The s.c.a.m.p.e.r method

by | Jan 23, 2022 | 1 Semester, Learning Tasks


You must design packaging for a lightbulb. The packaging must be different from what is out there in the market.

Apply each one of the SCAMPER techniques and do a write‑up on your findings. Then choose the option you think would work best and sketch what the packaging would look like.


I started with a brainwriting session and played off of the ideas I had. From there I applied the S.C.A.M.P.E.R method on the ideas that I deemed the best.

Lamp shade

Substitute something – I substitute the packaging for a lamp shade

Combine it with something else – Combine the packaging with a stand or a wire so it can be used as a lamp shade.

Adapt something to it – I adapt the function of tapping on it to turn it off/on.

Modify or Magnify it – I modify the packaging to include a solar cell, making in sustainable and cheaper.

Put to other uses – The packaging can be used as a night light, a hanging lamp, outdoor light depending on the uses and the bulb you choose to have inside. It can also be purely decorative.

Eliminate something – EIiminate any writing on the package to maintain the lamp shade feel.

Reverse or Rearrange it – The packaging is reversible and has different color schemes

Using the scamper technique, I improved on my original thought to create a lamp shade, and turned it into several solar powered versions. However, I realised I would encounter a problem with traveling/moving this item, where it can easily get bruised or broken. So this idea fell away in the last elimination process.


Substitute something – I substitute a normal packaging with a drawing stencil for children.

Combine it with something else – Combine the packaging with a box of crayons. Or combine with mini lights for children to use in their “house”.

Adapt something to it – I adapt the opening mechanism that Friele coffee house uses, where you can open and close the lid, therefor making it more fun for the children to use as a doll house for example. Or the idea of having a lid on the top.

Modify or Magnify it – I add magnetic holders on the sides of the box.

Put to other uses – The packaging can be used to store crayons and toys.

Eliminate something – Remove all color, there will only be stencils for drawing. Info of content is on the windows, that can be removed once it has been bought.

Reverse or Rearrange it – If we turn the box inside out, there is a different drawing scheme/stencils. This is easily doable due to the magnetic holders.

This idea improved massively using scamper technique, it now has multifunctions and I see that this idea can be applied to a lot of household items, making it a hit for families with children, eliminating the need for buying some stencils and toys.
Tho I almost went with this idea, I think it will get expensive to make, and heavier then need be due to the magnetic holders. I would need to do much more work on the idea to make it viable, and would need a team of packaging experts, designers. This product is not worth the effort needed I think.

Sustainable solution

Substitute something – I substitute cardboard/plastic with Compostable packaging.

Combine it with something else – Combine the packaging with an image of forest, showing trees, nature, what we want to save. Add a brochure of ways to help protect the world. Educate.

Adapt something to it – Adapt the common use of cutting outline, in this case lightbulb, so it shows through.

Modify or Magnify it – Magnify that this is a solar powered bulb, and that by buying it, you are being sustainable. This will be done on the side.

Put to other uses – As it has a nice picture on the front, it can be used for storing purposes.

Eliminate something – remove the top and bottom, use a grip holder for the bulb. remove all writing from front, and minimize writing on back.

Reverse or Rearrange it – Rearrange it by removing the front and having the lamp in front of a forest drawn/made on the inside of the box, creating a 3d effect.

This is the packaging I will go for. Using the scamper method, I improved on the idea by making it environmental and sustainable. I did not go for the thought of removing front, as this would entail using plastic to hold the bulb, lessening its environmental status.






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