CA 3 – Layout

by | Apr 28, 2022 | 1 Semester, Course Assignments

Customer Brief
A publisher would like to create a recipe booklet targeted at parents and young children. The book is called RECIPES FOR KIDS. The booklet will contain content that helps both parents and children create nutritious and creative meals. The booklets’ goal is to help develop children’s fine motor skills and create a friendly and interactive space for both the parent and child to get involved. The booklet should have a front and back cover, an introduction, content repository, recipes and contact information.

Please see the attachment below, it contains all the text you need. You cannot change the text. You will see that not all the recipes have introductions; even though you can’t edit the existing text, feel free to add your own introductions to spice up the recipe a bit. You are also allowed to add tips etc., to make the booklet interesting.

Have fun creating your own illustrations or source stock imagery. Remember to add credit where necessary.

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