L.T 1.1 – Foto 2

by | Aug 19, 2022 | 2 Semester, Learning Tasks

Question 1 – Written Assignment

– Name three lighting sources and their functions.
– Name two light modifiers and explain the difference between them.
– Draw a diagram of and describe the three-point lighting setup.

Question 2 – Research Assignment

– Draw three studio setups for the following subject matters and list all the equipment you would use to light your subjects:

– In a magazine or on the internet, find one fashion shot, a beauty shot, and a portrait shot and explain how you think the lighting was set up in each shot.

Light sources

A studio strobe is a dedicated flash unit. They are very strong and are the most common studio lights used by professionals.

Key light
The Key light is the main light, used to create the main light effect of the subject/object. It is usually the brightest and the one of which the others play off of.

Fill light
The Fill light is a less intense light, which acts to cancel out the shades created by the key light. It is positioned opposite the key light.

The back light illuminates your subject from behind. It is often higher then the subject/object, and also seperates the object/subject from the background. Also referred to as Rim light.

Light modifiers

Umbrellas are used to reflect the light back at the subject. They are white or silver on the inside, and using these creates a much larger and softer light source.

These can come in any shape and size, and act as a light softener. Simply place the desired light inside, and direct the soft box as needed. They are very popular choice for photographers in modifier options.

Flags are used to block light where it isnt wanted in the shot. It can be anything you choose to use.

Three-point lighting setup

The key light works as the main/primary source of light, and is the strongest, most intense light source. The fill light is a softer, more diffuse light which acts to cancel out any shadows cast by the key light. It is placed opposite the keylight. The backlight is used to light up the background of the subject and distinguhes them from the background. It is usually placed higher then the other lights.

Question 2 – Research Assignment

– Draw three studio setups for the following subject matters and list all the equipment you would use to light your subjects:

Portrait: I would use natural light from a big window, I woud have the model placed in front of a light/white background, and place a reflector on their other side to cath and reflect the light. If needed, I would add a backlight.

Fashion: I would use a three-point setup

Beauty: I would use natural light and op en shade. Making sure the sun was behind the subject, maybe to the right of her anchor point (the tree in this case)

Fashion shot: I believe they used natural light, right before sundown. A light source behind the photographer as there are no shades in the front, but can vaguely be seen on her back

Beauty shot: This looks to be a garage setup, where the key light comes from the subjects left side. there may be a soft fill light on the right.

Portrait shot: I believe this is a standard three-point setup as explained above. The fill light however is very soft.

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