L.T 1.3 – The journey here

by | Jan 20, 2022 | 1 Semester, Learning Tasks


For this Lesson Task, you need to create your own Reflective Journal in the form of a WordPress blog. Go to wordpress.com where you will receive a step-by-step guide on how to register your free blog.

During your studies, you will use this blog to post your weekly Lesson Tasks and to document your thoughts and ideas. This is a great way for students to learn from each other and also for your tutors to make sure that you stay on track.
In your first blog post, tell us about your journey here and why you have decided to study graphic design through Noroff’s online school.

Then create a self-portrait and include it in your first post. The self-portrait should not be a photograph, so you’ll need to think of some other creative solution.

To complete this task, add the URL of your Reflective Journal onto your Moodle Profile.

My journey here

My name is Tone Nemi and I live in Bergen, Norway with my 3 children.

My personal journey has been a long and at oft times, hard one. I lost many important people early on in my life and struggled with personal battles. On the other side of that coin, I have also been blessed with being surrounded by amazing and loving people. Not to mention my 3 kids, whom I am so very very proud of.

My way of coping with all hardships in life was always some sort of creative endeavour. I started playing guitar and writing songs. I wrote poetry and stories, and started drawing any chance I got. I was in a brass band, and in a theater group.
I`ve sadly lost some of my skills along the way, but always wished I could go back to them when time would allow. Now my kids are growing up, two of them already past 18, and one turning 15, I find myself dusting of both my sketch book and guitar, and even joined a local theater group.

Some years back I caught a major break, and got an opportunity to work at kolbrun retorikk (https://www.kolbrunretorikk.no/) in work practice through NAV. I found that I not only loved to work with graphic design, but I also had a knack for it. After a year, they offered my a permanent position as a junior designer.

Me and my boss after they offered me a job with cake and champagne

My boss is currently taking her masters and we figured this would be the perfect time for me to get my education, and learn as much as I can within the industry.
My dream is, and has been since my first glance into graphic design, being able to work 100% as a graphic designer or illustrator. I see a future where I don`t drag myself out of bed to go to work, but instead jump out to go do my hobby.


For my self-portrait, I was just bursting with ideas, and it did not help when I asked my daughters opinion, because she gave me a few thoughts of her own, and from that I just spiralled. I had to narrow it down somehow and create a better work process.
So I decided to quickly write down a few of my ideas, and make a list of why and why not. Sketch some of them to see my drawing limits, and if I was actually able to relay my point so it is obvious and clear for the viewer.

After finishing this process, and googling some more, I decided on the idea of using a mirror and putting it back together.

Since this is a hand drawn sketch and I only use pencils, I`ve decided against colors, I want to show myself in a simplistic way with no flash or extras. I approached this task from a self reflecting angle and wanted to show who I am not purely as an image, but who I am inside, what I have been through and where I am going. The broken mirror in the background is my past, my pain, my failures and shame. The pieces that are already in place in the mirror are the parts I have overcome and put back together. In my hand I am holding another, and working on placing it. Since the road to self realisation is a long and never ending one, I did not feel the need to have a complete portrait, I felt the eye and the hand conveyed what I aimed to achieve.

Work schedule

Daydatetimehoursresponsableactivitydetails of activitydeadlines
tues11.01.2209.00-20.0011ToneResearchLearning Moodle, getting to know the forum, the class, getting L.Ts and CA
wed12.01.2207.30-16.008.5ToneResearch/sketchingWorking in Moodle, web page/wordpress, drawing, idea storm
thurs13.01.2208.00-17.009Toneidea development/SketchingInspiration, brainstorming
fri14.01.2208.00-21.0013Toneidea development/Sketchingfinalize drawings, work on reports
sat15.01.2211.00-14.003Tonerevise workfix problems, talk with fellow student (help web site)
sun16.01.2214.00-17.003Tonewrite report, reviseFinishing my workDeliver all L.Ts and CA by midnight


Most of my research came from Moodle and looking at how former students approached this task.



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