L.T 2.1 – Scamps

by | Jan 30, 2022 | 1 Semester, Learning Tasks


You are briefed to illustrate fruit juice packaging (grapefruit, pineapple, and apple flavor). The name of the product is Easy Squeezy.

  • Draw at least 15 scamps (they can be A6 size each) of what the label will look like. Remember to include the fruit, the name of the flavour and the name of the product.
  • Choose one of your sketches and draw the label using Adobe Illustrator. The artwork can be A6 (landscape or portrait).

The reading material for this lesson taught us the value of sketching and how it helps us arrive at our goal with as little time wasted as possible. I decided to start off with a mind map though, as it is a good starting point for me personally instead of drawing without answering some of the questions I have.
As we didn’t have many criteria to follow, I had to determine the target audience, coloring, and style myself, so my scamps were varied instead of following a set course. The name `easy squeezy ‘could easily be perceived as targeting children but I went against my assumption and created for all types and ages. I decided to choose the one that felt right to me, as I didn’t know what the customer was asking for, not having been able to ask the questions.

After drawing my 15 scamps, I found that the missing criteria in this assignment made it much harder to “hit the mark” so to speak. I chose to go for the apple peel one, as it is simple, elegant and clear. I made some more (quick and rough!) scamps from that idea.

My end result in Adobe Illustrator

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