L.T 2.3 – Information Architecture

by | Jun 2, 2022 | 2 Semester, Learning Tasks

Brief :

For this lesson task, take a look at this website. https://www.pennyjuice.com

Step 1
Go through the content on the website and conduct a content audit. List all the information and elements included in the website on a spreadsheet (like Google Sheets).

Step 2
Now, plan the information architecture using the card sorting technique. You can conduct a simple card sorting session using pieces of paper (with the help of friends or family), or you can use an online tool like Miro. When you’re done with the card sort, analyse your results.

Step 3
Finally, take what you have learned and redesign the homepage along with the website’s primary navigation. Use the design software of your choice to create a flat design; it doesn’t have to be interactive. If you would like, you can also draw a simple diagram of the main steps you think the user will take (the user flow).

Step 2:

My family sorted like this:

  1. Childcare juice – product category
    Order now – call to action
    Learn more – call to action
    Facebook – navigation
    Accessibility – navigation
    Home -navigation

    My findings are that the labels were hard to categorize, they struggled a lot and needed coaching. I think they need new buttons.

Step 3:

Since we didn’t really have any profile, picture, logo, etc, I decided to make a simple remake of the page already made. I changed the menu slightly and removed some clutter and info that can be found elsewhere. The menu now reads home – products – contact us. And a separate button for order. I would make sure that each call to action button leads to the thing it advertises, and remove extra buttons leading to the same places, as they have now.

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