L.T 3.1 – Introduction to prototyping

by | Jun 9, 2022 | 2 Semester, Learning Tasks

The scenario is that you have been contacted by a local animal rescue organisation with an existing website. You need to create a low fidelity prototype (wireframe) for the dog category page as well as a profile page that displays the features of each individual dog. The category page needs to show the dogs that are available for adoption. Make space for 15 dogs on the page.

  • Purpose: Find homes for the cats
  • Features: Homepage, welcome, about us, info on each cat, contact
  • Potential problems:
    -Users finding a perfect match: make it as easy as possible
    -User contact info for adoption
    -User visits
    -Organisation needs to ensure the homes are good and stable for the cats
    -Safety for sensitive information.
  • Homepage: Welcome, picture, cta cats, cta contact, cta about us (happy ending stories?)
  • Catpage: Name, photo, description, behaviour with dogs and/or children, age, housetrained, size, gender, breed, in-door/out-door cat.
  • Contactpage: Adress, email, phonenumber, social media, visiting hours, opening hours
  • About us: Information and background of the organization. Pictures

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