L.T 3.4 – Understanding development and developer hand-off

by | Jun 11, 2022 | 2 Semester, Learning Tasks


Create a medium-fidelity prototype for a new fitness website for travellers called FitTravel. The website is to be created to help people who travel a lot (for business or pleasure) find accommodation that has a gym or pool. Start thinking about how you would go about designing such a website from scratch. We suggest you start with ideation and then move onto wireframing to plan the layout of your User Interface Prototype:


  • Users will want to enter a location (destination) to search for accommodation.
  • Users will enter the dates of their trip (start and end)
  • Users will enter the number of guests/travellers that need accommodation.
  • Users will filter accommodation search results based on if they want access to a pool, gym or both.
  • Users will hit search.


  • Users will see a list of accommodation options for the available dates
  • For each option in the list, users will see that establishment’s:
    • Name;
    • Single photo;
    • The price per person
    • A more information button.

Individual establishment page:

  • When viewing a specific establishment, users will see that establishment’s:
  • Name
  • Multiple photos of the room, gym and pool (gallery)
  • A short description;
  • The price per person;
  • A book button.

Users should always be able to navigate back to the previous view.

Post screenshots of both your low- and mid-fidelity prototypes, as well as a link to your mid-fidelity prototype in Adobe XD or Figma.

Link : https://xd.adobe.com/view/c05fe85a-0f8c-4fee-853d-57c6ca1f0198-950c/

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