L.T 5.1 / Read the visual clues

by | Aug 31, 2022 | 2 Semester, Learning Tasks


Ask two friends or family members to pick a nice-looking website at random. Study the website and answer these questions:

  • What type of website are we looking at?
  • Which industry is this website in?
  • What is its purpose?
  • Which different types of content are used?
  • How is the content presented?

Pay attention to how the website looks visually and try to identify if there are any common design trends you might pick up on. Ask yourself if these design trends are common to a certain industry or type of brand? It’s also likely that certain designed trends are common to specific target audiences. 

Friends of mine chose

What type of website are we looking at? It’s a site that has both a blog and an e-commerce site.
Their site has current info, contract signing, previous projects,
current projects, blog, news and all that falls underneath those categories.
Which industry is this website in? It’s a landscaping company
What is its purpose? The purpose is to get clients to buy their services, but the blog has more of
an environmental focus.
Which different types of content are used? Their site has current info, contract signing, previous projects,
current projects, blog, news and all that falls underneath those categories.
How is the content presented? They use big imagery to present their posts/cases, colos used are green
and orange, same as I assume is in their brand. Big headlines to draw
attention to each post. Their icons match their profile throughout.

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