L.T 5.3 – Judge and box their personalities

by | Aug 31, 2022 | 2 Semester, Learning Tasks


Part 1

Create your own table with details about the archetypes we discussed today:

Archetype TraitsExample
Lover welcoming, charming, embracing, sincere, stabilityGodiva
JesterGenuine, imaginative, fun-loving, excitedM&M
Regular Joewelcoming, reliable, belonging, sincereGap
Saintreliable, genuine, imaginative, independent, caringGoogle
Bossmastery, reliable, tough, sophisticated, leader, dynamic, competentBoss (Hugo)
Artistcreative, disorganized, sensory, unmethodical, sees beauty in allLego

Part 2

If you were creating a brand for your own portfolio, to represent your personality, which archetype would you choose? How would this archetype be presented with the:


  • Overall visual style (use three descriptive words)  – Clean, minimastilic, esthetically pleasing
  • Fonts (choose two fonts)  – Moon and Solstice
  • Colour (create a colour palette)  I would favour black and white and only add one color, a soft pink or blue, possibly with tinted versions of it.
  • Layout (use three descriptive words to define this) – Clean, stylish, inviting
  • Photography style (use three descriptive words to define this)  – No edges, expand to entire page/cut by tinted boxes w text f.ex

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