L.T 7.2 – Design a FORM

by | Sep 14, 2022 | 2 Semester, Learning Tasks

We are tasked to ananlyze and redesign a form, making it simpler and more user friendly.

What I find wrong with this form:

– The drop-down menus are confusing and has too much information.
– The calendar shows at all times, taking up too much space and attention.
-The specifics asked are too much and the process of filling out all info asked is too long.

We were to create a form in XD/Figma, and I started with my plan for it. However, time did not permit me to finish it completely, so I created a mid-fidelity first page instead. I did refresh my knowledge on components etc (the checkpoints all have different states), and I made a plan for how the rest would be. E.g – the tab for the calendar was only on click, same with times. I also tested Lottie in this, as that was part of another lesson.




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