L.T 9.5 – Design of layout in InDesign

by | Mar 28, 2022 | 1 Semester, Learning Tasks


Use InDesign to design an 8-page brochure for a fictitious décor shop.

  • The size of the brochure should be A5 (when it is folded).
  • Design the brochure in full color.
  • You are allowed to use Lorem Ipsum placeholder text as body copy but create sensible headings.
  • Use titles, headings, and images of your choice.
  • Be sure to pay attention to:
    • Choice of type
    • Choice of imagery
    • Use of layout and grid to communicate the content

I created a brochure for a fictitious company I called For the seasons. They make and sell candles mainly but focus on seasonal merchandise, creating an atmosphere in the home. I tried to get a feel of this in the design using colors, font, and images. I decided on a simplistic font, layout, and style, wanting the pictures to do most of the talking. I divided each page into 6 squares with a quite large gutter to leave room for air. In the end, I didn’t use much body text, but I kept it within the framework.
I chose a font called Moon, as this is a sans serif typeface that is minimalistic and classy. It’s simple yet unique.

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