LT 1.1 – Graphic design 5

by | Jun 19, 2023 | Learning Tasks

The task

Write a short, informal paragraph to describe the type of graphic designer you want to be. It can have as many words as you feel fit and can be in any format you wish: draw a picture, add a photo, or make a mind map. Let your personality shape the delivery.

What kind of job do you want to wake up to every day? What do you want to do daily?
My absolute dream job, would be an illustrator. Tracing, creating charachters, drawing is the most fun aspect of graphic design in my eyes. Taking a photograph and changing it into an illiustration/vector file, brings me joy.
I also love creating logos/brands and creating a full profile for clients. Working from start to finish and watch the brand appear and form a life of its own is an amazing sight. In addition, I dabbled a tiny bit in animation, and absolutely found it intruiging. I feel I would need more then some courses, but it is definetely something I could imagine pursuing.

Which type of clients do you want to work with?
Any and all to be honest. What I learned at my previous job, is that there are no perfect client, or project. They all have so much potential, and it is our job as designers to ask the correct questions to bring their (and our) vision to life.

After pinning down your interests and vision of yourself as a professional, in which areas do you think you need more growth and experience?
I know I still need to learn more photoshop, although during my time in school, my skills have grown., but this isnt exactly pinpointed toward where I would like to go: illustrative designer. So in that aspect, I should get better with drawing, free hand. I feel like my illustrator skills are good, but I always struggled drawing sketches etc. Ive tried wacom and other drawing boards, but I also struggle with these.

What are your next steps to fulfil who you want to be as a graphic designer?
Finish school, and try to get a job in the area I wish for. this is unlikely to happen fast, but I will attempt. I might, at the same time, sign up for twitch/fiverr etc, to sell avatars etc.

If you are unsure, think of the different courses you’ve done so far in your studies and the projects you enjoyed most – where did you naturally flourish, and which projects did you unexpectedly shine in?

I assumed when I started, that graphic design projects, branding, logo etc would be the easiest and where I`d do my best work. However, surprisingly, Ive gotten some really goo reviews on both web site and photography. 2 subjects I struggle with, didnt feel happy with and not at all enjoyed. So its hard to say. I think my work flow/process is pretty good, and work for me.

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