M.D – L.T 1.2 – Understanding the industry

by | Sep 12, 2023 | 4 semester, Learning Tasks


Find a motion design studio or freelancer and give some examples of their work.

  • What type of motion design do they specialise in?
  • Where are they from?
  • What do you like about their work?

I choose PANOPLY as the studio to talk about. I found many that were amazing, but a video from them (posted below), left me not only mesmerized, but in a state of: How the heck do they do that!? And OH MY LORD, I’d love to be able to do that!

I choose PANOPLY as the studio to talk about. I found many that were amazing, but a video from them (posted below), left me not only mesmerized, but in a state of: How the heck do they do that!? And OH MY LORD, I’d love to be able to do that!

They are based out of London, and dont seem to spezialise in a specific style or type. Rather, they push limits of what is possible and work their creativity to the furthest edges. If I would have to guess at a specialty, I wouldnt know how to explain it other then: fluidity. In most the works Ive seen, they use some type of fluid and motion to become or change an object. Not all of their works focus on this, but even in those who dont, they have tiny details, where fluidity is present.
showing some of their works below

Horizon Forbidden Westwith Guerrilla

They also have this fun page on their site called Curiosities. Things they discovered while creating their motion driven designs.


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