Photo 4 – MD 1 – L.T 1.2 – Astro

by | Oct 17, 2023 | 4 semester, Learning Tasks

  • In your own words, describe the difference in terms of the visual result and the camera settings required to obtain:
    • A star/Milky Way photo.
    • A star trail photo.
  • Research a possible location you could travel to, and work out (use the Internet, apps, etc.) when (season, time of month) you could shoot astrophotos there. Also, describe how you would get there (drive, hike, boat etc.) and what planning and logistics would be involved.

I did try for these photos at home, before I planned to go somewhere to shoot them “properly”. I watched some guides, made a bunch of notes, downloaded 4! apps (milky way one, moon phases, wind map and astro one). I found 2 nights that could potentially work, tho there was alot of wind, and danger of rain and some skies, which would have messed up the star trail photo. Tho when I tested it at home, the photos came out gritty and streaky and not any use. I tried different settiongs according to what I had read, but came up with just as poor results, so I decided to do the optional task.

A star/Milky way photo is a stand still photo of either star-/s or the milky way. It has to be shot in under 30 sec, or you will venture into star trail as the planet revolves. Its also important to know where to aim ur camera, and there needs to be no to very few clouds out. Focus on the brightest star, and use long exposure. High Iso is also needed, and closest to the widest AP ur camera can handle. Tripod is a must.

Star trail, U need to take a sequence of around 500 + photos over the span of 30-60 min. U will then layer them in PS or LR and get ur star trail. Here aswell, where you face (N; S W E) matters, as u will get lines or curves depending on where you aim. Moon should not be more then 2-3%Shutter speed 30-60 sec, lowest AP and high ISO.

I wanted to go out to my nieces house to do this, She lives on a farm with no city light polution, and few buildings/houses that could disrupt the shoot. I would drive to her house, and plan to spend the night. Since the task is now, and Im no photographer by choice:P, I was gonna do it in the window I found on my ap for the wind and moon phases, which was friday/saturday/sunday this week.


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