photo 4 – MD 2 – L.T 2.4 – Advanced editing and print

by | Oct 19, 2023 | 4 semester, Learning Tasks

The task

Part 1

Are you currently using any third-party apps, actions, presets or plugins using Adobe Lightroom (Classic or CC) and Photoshop? If so, write a short paragraph on how it benefits your editing process and share a few screenshots.

If you don’t yet use any plugins or presets, which of the ones you read about would you consider and why?

Part 2

Research prices for printing photographs at a print shop in your area. Compare it with prices of a similar size and material from an online printing service. Which printing method would you prefer and why?

Part 3

You’ve been creating some amazing photographs over the four photography courses. Pick one platform to share these photographs. This could be social media or one of the other online libraries. Provide a link or share some screenshots of your online photo gallery.

I read up on third party apps, as I have never used any mself. I might try to use actions. This seemed a very simple way to apply the same effect to a series of photos. 

I have worked at a design company where we used a local printer. As a private person, Ive ordered online many times. So I have experience with both. I think that if the print material is for a client, I woudl go for a print shop close by. You will then get a connection and talk to them in person, making sure everything goes well, they will hopefully let you know if you have slipped somewhere. In addition, getting a test print is often money saving and time saving. For private use, I would stick with online. Fast and cheap.

I chose to upload to instagram

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